Pregnancy Resource Center Of Dinuba
Scared, Alone, Pregnant?
We Care!
Dawnings Pregnancy Resource Center Of Dinuba exists to make sure woman and men are provided with the caring support they need as they face crucial decisions regarding their pregnancy or lifestyle.

Dawnings PRC offers a caring volunteer to each client, who assists them with compassionate help through education, and practical assistance.
All of our services that we offer are
Dawnings PRC Offers:
- Pregnancy Tests,
- Information on Community Resources,
- Parenting Classes,
- Abstinence Presentations,
- Sexually Transmitted Disease Education,
- Pregnancy Loss Support,
- Post Abortion Healing,
- Ongoing Peer-Counceling and Friendship,
- And so much more!
We now offer over 40 additional classes which include;
Life Skills training, Healthy Relationships, New Fatherhood and Mentoring Programs.......Just to name a few!
Come visit us or call for more information
A Special Note for you:
We are located at
682 S. First Ave
Dinuba, CA 93618
Please call for an appointment:
Dawnings Pregnancy Center: 559-595-9323
Cheryl Nicolay: Founder/Director
Dawnings offers Hope, Help & Healing